Detalle de la Publicación
Número: SID 712
Título: Measured versus computed settlements of La Yesca Dam upon its construction.
Autor(es): Romo Organista, Miguel Pedro ; Hermosillo Arteaga, Armando Rafael ; Márquez Quintos, Erick ; Magaña del Toro, Roberto ; Sarmiento Serrano, Neftali
Año: Febrero 2023
Páginas: 37
Serie: Investigación y desarrollo (azul)
Coordinación: Geotecnia
Resumen: The definition of rockfill-loading behaviour is one of the difficulties the dam engineer faces to properly model a rockfill dam’s behaviour upon their construction and hence reach confident results that lead to safe designs. Perhaps, the main reason why the stress-strain rockfill properties are difficult to obtain is the large size of the rockfill particles that usually exceed the capabilities of most existing geotechnical laboratories. Accordingly, field research was carried out to monitor the behaviour of several rockfill dams built in Mexico with several rosettes of pressure cells and of extensometers, placed at several elevations within the rockfill embankments as they were built. Therefore, it was possible to define the stress-strain characteristics of the rockfill when the monitoring results were coupled with giant odometer laboratory test results. On the basis of these results, a power law was found to be good enough to model the rockfill behaviour under increasing normal loading. To assess the confiability of the 3D finite differences-power law model, the stress-strain behaviour of La Yesca dam was calculated throughout its construction. This paper shows a comparison between the monitored settlements and those computed using the above mentioned power law included in a 3D finite differences model and clearly indicates that this analytical model reproduces quite well the measured settlements, which leads to the conclusion that the proposed modelling of La Yesca dam is adequate and, henceforth, this modelling can be applied confidently to design rockfill dams.
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